Lawyers Who Code: Gil Rosenblum – Profile

Legal Geek is compiling a ‘hack-book’ of lawyers and legaltechies who code. If you code, or are learning to code, we would love to include you in our ‘hack-book’. Drop us a line via [email protected] [yes it is .co].

Gil RosenblumGil Rosenblum is the head of data at LawGeex, a leading AI contract review company  helping businesses automate the review and approval of everyday contracts. He has been coding since 2007 and can code in Python, SQL, PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

What are the main benefits of being a lawyer and a coder?

“Being located at the technical side of the house, my role is not usually available to lawyers. While many lawyers are able to shift to working in a legal or business capacity at commercial companies and startups, the opportunities for lawyers to participate in fulfilling the core promises of a company are very limited. As a coder and a lawyer, I am directly involved in the creation of AI solutions for the legal industry and am able to operate autonomously to successfully execute a wide range of tasks. My dual background is particularly important for bridging the gap between our legal and technical departments.

“There is a lot of value in understanding the legal data we collect and at the same time being able to manipulate that data through writing Python scripts and SQL queries. I also find that experience in web development and Linux environment is very useful for tying up loose ends and delivering end-to-end solutions.”
