How to nail a speaker slot – the Mark Cohen way

When Mark Cohen takes to the stage as the headline speaker at Legal Geek North America on 25th June he won’t be carrying any notes and even he won’t be certain where his talk will take him, let alone where it will take the audience. His approach perfectly matches our ethos:

So ahead of his participation in New York, Legal Geek asked Mark to lift the lid on his approach to public speaking and to reveal a few secrets behind his popularity from the soapbox.

Public speaking – the Mark Cohen way

“I get asked to speak about many legal topics: technology, its impact, delivery models, legal education and training – you name it. I don’t have a set ‘talk’ about these topics. So each engagement – and I use that word intentionally because my goal is to engage with the audience – depends on different factors. Sometimes it’s just how I’m feeling on the day. At other times, it’s what’s going on in the world– the legal world or the wider world.

“A few years ago in Madrid, I spoke at a conference during the Catalonian secessionist movement. It really influenced my talk. Because when you’re talking about legal topics how can you not mention that as your lead theme? On another occasion, I was delivering the keynote at the German Bar Association not long after Trump had been elected and had said some not-so-diplomatic things about Germany. I am American, Jewish, and have German ancestry—naturally, I spoke about the importance of the rule of law in democracy and how free speech and tolerance gave me the privilege of addressing the audience.”

Mark’s human, holistic approach to public speaking is no gimmick. It’s simply an extension of his open personality and how he thinks about the legal industry. His way of thinking is also reflected in the name of his consultancy business Legal Mosaic (also his Twitter handle: @LegalMosaic).

“I chose this name for a couple reasons. First, I’m visual. Second, when you look at a mosaic every piece must be seen within the context of other pieces, otherwise you don’t see the whole picture. The legal sector is exactly the same. Law, like life, does not operate in a vacuum; things are inter-connected. I look for the connections and try to make sense of it all. I like to explore that mosaic in my talks and weave in some of what I have learned during a 40-plus year career.”

Legal Mosaic on Twitter
Mark spoke at the Legal Geek Conference in London back in 2017 

How Mark developed his public speaking skills

Mark’s upbringing ensured he developed a proficiency in the principles of debate and argument at an early age:

“I had to negotiate two highly intelligent parents with strong personalities and differing views, so I learned to hold my own. Then at my school (a traditional all-boys school in New York) I was often engaged in public speaking. So I developed a feeling for an audience at a young age.”

These skills were further developed as a civil trial lawyer over the first 25 years of his professional life.

However, none of this can guarantee an ability to speak authentically to an audience. That is something Mark says takes preparation, spontaneity, and a bit of vulnerability, too.

“When I am planning a talk, the first thing I like to know is who the audience will be and where they are drawn from, how many of them are lawyers etc. Then I like to work out how many of them will know who I am. With that information I feel capable of being ‘studiously spontaneous’.

“I try and combine that with humanity, authenticity, eye contact, and levity.” I’m not a big fan of slide decks—they can be effective at business meetings, but I prefer that the audience engage with me, not focus on the slides. They can do that later. It’s important to develop a rapport with the person speaking—then you get to the substance of the talk. Both are important.”

What can guests expect from Mark at Legal Geek North America?

“Well, I haven’t prepared my talk for Legal Geek North America yet but as with every talk I will be aiming to have engage the audience and encourage them to ask questions at the end of the talk or sometime later.

“If that happens, then it’s a good talk and from their follow-up questions I will learn more about the topic as well.”

At Legal Geek North America, questions can’t be made directly after a talk. But all delegates are welcome, and encouraged, to seek out any speaker and engage them in follow up questions.

Even tricky ones.

“If I’ve done my job properly then follow-up questions are normally thoughtful and constructive. Only very rarely do you get ‘gotcha’ questions. But you have to welcome those too. After 40 years of trial work, teaching, and public speaking—not to mention raising two bright, precocious daughters, I’m up for the challenge.”

Mark will be the first speaker taking to the stage at Legal Geek North America.

Legal Geek North America

Addleshaw Goddard Workshop

Level up your prompting game: Unlock the power of LLMs

A workshop intended to dive into the mechanics of a good prompt, the key concepts behind ‘prompt engineering’ and some practical tips to help get the most out of LLMs. We will be sharing insights learned across 2 years of hands-on testing and evaluation across a number of tools and LLMs about how a better understanding of the inputs can support in leveraging GenAI for better outputs.


Kerry Westland, Partner, Head of Innovation Group, Addleshaw Goddard
Sophie Jackson, 
Senior Manager, Innovation & Legal Technology, Addleshaw Goddard
Mike Kennedy, 
Senior Manager, Innovation & Legal Technology, Addleshaw Goddard
Elliot White, 
Director, Innovation & Legal Technology, Addleshaw Goddard